Monday, November 29, 2010

Where there's a will, there's a way

I was very blessed this past week by receiving a whole truckload of mulch from a landscaper! My garden is almost completely covered now! The only downside to getting all those lovely leaves, was that it had to be hauled by hand, on a tarp, all the way to the garden.... Hmmmm.
After moving half the pile (thankfully, I did have help for the most part!) I had an idea.

It's always scary when I get an idea.

Taking a belt and some tie-down straps, I fashioned a crude, but usable, goat-sized harness. I chose Capri as my victim  helper, since she is my only doe right now that is not pregnant. She did surprisingly well for her first time! She has always loved to pull and push things, so I figured she would be a good choice. I don't think I will try using any of my goats for draft work again, until I can get a proper harness, as I think my makeshift one was putting a little too much pressure on Capri in some areas. But it was fun working with her today!

Here, you can see Capri hitched up to the tarp. We had just dumped a load of leaves on the garden and were heading back to do more.

A closer view of my "harness". ;)



  1. Ha ha I like that! Wish I could have seen that operation!!

  2. Oh my. I'll try horses someday, but leave the goat harnessing to you, Caity! I love your ingenuity in figuring out a makeshift harness. "Necessity is the mother of invention" indeed.


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