Friday, February 11, 2011

Baby Bunnies Are Here!

I went to take care of my rabbits this morning and found Pennyroyal, one of my pregnant does, busily making herself a nest out of some hay I had given her the night before. I was tickled pink, as that usually means that they will kindle (give birth) within three to five days. I decided to go ahead and give her a nest box so she could get it how she wanted it. So off I went....

I didn't get back outside for about 45 minutes, as I had some chores to do before getting the nest box, but I eventually had it ready and filled with fluffy bedding. Off I went again, this time to deliver a nest box to a waiting rabbit. I entered the chicken coop (as that is where my rabbits stay) whistling, but stopped abruptly as I saw what was before me.

Three baby bunnies were strewn across the cage floor and one more had fallen out of the cage and lay on the ground. Oh fiddlesticks.... I guess Pennyroyal couldn't wait any longer!

Three of the four bunnies were icy cold and getting stiff, so I got the ever-so-fun job of holding them one by one next to my skin until they warmed up.

It takes a really long time for a rabbit to warm up.

But I always enjoy it when the icicle of a rabbit that I've been holding, starts to move ever so slightly. Then it starts to wiggle, then it burrows deeper into your hand, searching for a comfy spot in the warmth. It doesn't matter how many times I've had to do that (and I've done it a lot during my seven years of rabbit raising!) it always makes me smile when I feel a seemingly-lifeless body start wriggling around.

After about 30 minutes, all the babies were sufficiently warmed and tucked into the nest box. Unfortunately, Miss Pennyroyal is proving to be a very stressed out mama, and I'm not positive that this litter will survive due to her inexperience. She hasn't pulled any fur from her tummy (usually they do) and if she doesn't, then the babies won't be able to nurse. So we'll see what happens. Pennyroyal may still have some more babies, as rabbits have the unique ability to stretch the births up to three days, but even if she doesn't, four is pretty good for a first timer. :)

The babies are so cute though! I really, really hope that Pennyroyal's instinct kicks in, as this looks like a promising litter! All four babies are blue, and one has a patch of white on its forehead. :) I might try to get a picture in a few days, if it's looking like they are going to pull through. But don't expect any professional looking pictures, as I'm not very good with a camera, and rabbits are notoriously hard to take pictures of!!

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