Thursday, February 3, 2011

Perfectly Content....

 I had just finished up my work outside.... Poppy was fed, the goats were moved to a new piece of pasture, the garden was almost completely covered, the fruit trees were pruned, new beds had been prepared for raspberry canes and blueberry bushes, the mud everywhere was gone, it was a balmy day with a blue sky, I could hear geese flying overhead, the dog was digging a hole....

And I realized....

That I am perfectly content where God has planted me.

I absolutely love this little area that I call home.

It may only be a little over 1 acre, but ya' know something? It's enough. It's all I need. Once upon a time, a few years ago, I wished that we had just a few more acres. If I just had five acres, I would be perfectly content, so thought I.

But that's not what God had in mind for me. He had bigger plans. By having just one acre, I have learned to use every possible space as efficiently as possible. I have learned that having only one acre is not a handicap to a farming dream, if anything, it's inspiring for others! We have some friends, who live on two acres, who once said to me, "We always thought that we had to have at least five acres if we wanted to farm, but we see you doing it on one acre, and now we know differently."

That was huge for me.

I've learned that you don't need five acres, or more, if you want to farm. Sure, I might not be able to have a whole herd of grass fed cattle, but look at what I do have! I have room for my four dairy goats (plus babies that I will be keeping), a dairy cow, chickens, rabbits, turkeys, geese, ducks, quail, sheep, a garden, a small orchard; Shucks, we've even had horses in the past!

I look around at what I have been blessed with, and am in awe at what the Lord has done. Where He has taken this little plot of land. And it makes me excited to see where He'll lead next....

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