Monday, February 28, 2011

A Quiet Day...

So many thoughts are milling about in my head right now....

But none volunteer themselves to be coherently written...

It's been an interesting week (last week that is). I've lost a friend, and I gained a friend. I witnessed the birth of my two new goats. And lost four of my chickens on the same day. I've seen the Lord answer my tiniest of tiny prayers, and have caught myself questioning His work in another area of my life.

Losing, gaining, trusting doubting... Like a puzzle missing some pieces, so life seems at times.

Watching, waiting, working, praying.... Will I never figure life out?

Today is just a quiet day... I know not what to say, I have done what I needed to do. The clock ticks by... Surely there must be something that I need to be doing!? These days drive me crazy, for I prefer to stay busy....

And so, I end this strange post.... I have accomplished nothing by writing this. I have not even amused you. I know not why I chose to write this... It just sorta' came out...

I do not like quiet days....

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