Monday, February 14, 2011

Seeds Anyone?

Hurray!! I have the pleasure of announcing that:

My seed library is officially open!!

I have over 70 varieties of fruits, flowers and veggies, and have somewhere around 2500 seeds!

I'm still trying to finish archiving my seeds, so that I can see at a glance what I have, how much I have, and keep a record of growing notes on each variety. And it's going slooooow. Lots of tape, page protectors, three ringed binders, paper clips, and time. Maybe I should employ a helper.... ;)

I'll try and get a list on here with what I have available, and if you see something you would like to try out this year, just send me an e-mail (I'll provide that in the seed list post) saying what you would like and how many seeds, so that I will know what to reserve for you. I would really like to keep this as a SASE (Self Addressed Stamped Envelope) to cut down on confusion on my part of things. I have already "checked out" quite a few seeds to people, and believe me, it gets confusing trying to get the right seeds to the right person! 

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