Monday, April 4, 2011

And I Cried...

Heidi's CAE test results didn't come in the mail today, like I was hoping.

I tried to wait. I told myself that they would probably come tomorrow.

But I couldn't wait. I wanted to know what the results were, NOW! So I called the lab, and asked for the results. It seemed like forever as they searched through their files for my name.

Then came the moment...

Heidi tested...

100% negative!!!

She is completely clean!! I was so overjoyed that I started hopping up and down. I think my response over the phone was something like, "Really!?!? THANK YOU SO MUCH! I am so happy right now!!"
The gentleman on the phone just laughed at my exuberance, and guessed that it meant a lot to me.

It did.

I went out to the barn, to see Heidi, who was contentedly chewing her cud. 

And I cried...

I was so happy, and relieved, that I cried...


  1. Wonderful news! So happy for you!

  2. I'm so glad it turned out well for you!

    P.S. Hope things work out so you can get some hay soon!


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