Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I dunno'. Plain ol' "eggs" seemed so boring. Eggses has a nicer ring. Or maybe it just gets your attention... ;)

Some sweet friends of mine surprised me the other day by giving me a free bag of chicken feed from Q-Bar farm; I had heard a lot of good about this particular feed mill, so I was especially excited to see how my pullets did on the whole grain feed. To my surprise, on day #2 of switching feeds, my little ladies started laying! Coincidence? Methinks not. :)

The eggs are only about 2" long right now, as the hens get older, their eggs will get bigger. They look so cute nestled amongst the gargantuan brown and green eggs in our fridge.

Below is a picture of an egg comparison. On the right is one of our tiny pullet eggs; on the left is a duck egg.

Wait a minute! Where'd that duck egg come from!?

Hehe, I couldn't resist...

A friend mentioned to me that she needed to re-home her pair of Magpie ducks. And who was I to say nay to such an opportunity? ;) I absolutely love these two new additions to the farm. They are so hilarious as they waddle around, quacking softly to each other. As you can see in the picture, I dug out our kiddie pool that had been gathering dust in the shop, and filled it for my small aquatic friends. 

The female has been faithfully laying an egg every single morning, and for awhile we would have them for lunch (personally, I LOVE duck eggs!), but now I have been leaving the eggs in her nest in hopes that she will go broody and hatch out some ducklings! We'll see...


  1. Don't leave the eggs in the nest in the hopes that she will go broody. She'll go broody on her own, if she does, and then you can let her have the eggs. However, I wouldn't expect too much, because if I remember correctly, Magpies are not some of the best ones for mothering instincts.

  2. Thanks for the tip! Maybe I'll just cheat and put the eggs in my friend's incubator... Or I could just go back to eating them for lunch! Yum...

  3. Your ducks are beautiful, Caity! :)

    Here's a riddle for you that you probably know! ;)

    "A box without hinges, key or lid,
    Yet golden treasure inside is hid."

  4. LOL. The answer couldn't be an 'egg', could it? ;D


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