Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Day Outside...

It's been so cold and wet lately, that Melilot and Chamomile have had to stay in the barn. But the sun finally peeked out for a few hours yesterday, and for the first time, my two little flowers explored the great outdoors...

We've had a couple days of anxiety over Chamomile, who is so small that she couldn't stay warm on her own, and seemed to be fading away. Thankfully, after a short spell inside the house (I LOVE having goats in the house!) and a fleece "goat coat" especially for her, she has begun to catch up with her sister in size and strength.

Chamomile's goat coat.

 Melilot... My spotted beauty. :) I love her long legs!

Did I mention that I like spots?

Oh look, it's Melilot again. Fancy that... ;)

I know for sure I will be keeping "Melly" as a future milker, but I haven't decided about "Chammy" yet. 

Queen of the log...

Why, where did you spring from, Heidi!? ;) She will never win a beauty contest, that's for sure, but I love her for what she is: a sweet, annoying, stubborn, affectionate creature. Under normal circumstances, I probably would not have brought home an animal in her condition, who had unknown lineage, and had not been tested for CAE, buuuuut... I can never resist a goat with a sob story; so she came home with me. :)

Methinks I've seen these two before... I know I have...

Soooo, maybe Melly is slightly more photogenic than her sister. You don't think I've done more pics of one kid over the other, do you?  

And Capri! Let's not forget my #1 favorite goat! She is waddling everywhere, and I managed to feel a little head this morning, in that pudgy belly of hers. 

Pregnant? Who, her?

I got two really good videos of the kids bouncing around, but my computer is being stubborn about uploading them, so not sure when those will make their appearance. :-/

I love my goats... :)

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