Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Update That Was Asked For...

A friend asked what the verdict was about my cow...

The answer is: I am selling her.

She's a sweetheart, but she's just too big for my goats. I had to make the decision about keeping one or the other, and I chose to stick with goats. She stepped on two of my kids (I'm sure it was on purpose!), and that was the absolute last straw. So I posted her on Craigslist.
 It all works out in the end I guess. If she sells, then it will pay for a years worth of grain and hay, I can get my milk parlor built/remodeled (right now it's an empty horse stall), buy a few more does (female goats) before breeding season, and possibly buy a cream separator.  The hard part is just getting her sold! 

So that's where I'm at right now in life... 


  1. wait....i thought you said you didn't have any friends

  2. Hehe, I have a very small handful. ;)

  3. better than an empty handful, eh?


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