Monday, June 20, 2011

An Evening With The Goats

Evenings with the goats are always so fun. I love getting to chat with each individual about their day, put the goat kids to bed, get the next day's breakfast ready....

 This evening was no different. The ladies all sang their 'Hellos' to me, and then routine began. Capri and Ivy came out and ate their dinner, while I threw hay in the manger and talked with Penny.

Me: "Hello Penny dear, how was your day today?"

Penny: "Umph... Don't ask."

I cast a sideways glance at her pregnant waistline, and ask if she's going to be able to make it to June 30th.

Penny: "We'll find out. I feel like a overstuffed chair with this big belly on me!"

I give her my sympathy and then turn to the rambunctious goat kids who are all jumping up on me. They each try to talk louder than the others and I am bombarded with pleas for raisins, and requests for me to sing 'Jingle Bells'. ;) Oh, and I have to sing the song twice.

 Seeing that the kids got to hear their favorite song, the older ladies complain that I'm showing favoritism and demand to hear their favorite songs too.

Me: "Alright, which ones do y'all want?"

Goats: "Caledonia!" "Into the West!" "Isle of Inisfree!" "Send me a Song!"

Finally, all songs are sung, Heidi is milked and the milk has been dealt with for the night. There is hay in the manger, fresh water in the buckets, the kids are sleeping in their special stall, and there's one thing left to do:

Extract the Dwarf from her dinner crumbs and put her to bed as well.

Poppet has been begging me for days now, to let her eat her dinner in the "big goat" pail. She was tired of eating off of a bucket lid (the only thing those short legs of hers could accommodate) and was ready to be a big girl.

"Pleeeeze Ma?" She would say, "That nice pail looks soooo elegant, and it makes such a nice sound!"

So I relented, and this is how she has managed to eat out of a bucket that is taller than she is.

It was cute listening to her giggle inside the pail, and sounding something akin to Winnie the Pooh.

"Hehe, listen Ma! My voice sounds funny in here!"

"Hellooooo!" Echo, echo!"

Poppet dear, it's time for bed now. And with that, the little imp is spirited away from the remains of her crumbs, and is set gently into the pen with the big girls.

I prepare to leave, but first stop to visit with the ducks for a moment. 

Me: "Hello ducks, what goes on in your wide world today?"

Ducks: "Ah, much is going on! The worm population has seemingly exploded with all this nice rain, but the beetles have been a little scarce. No doubt they will return when the heat comes back... The butterflies are also getting easier to catch, which is quite nice; quite nice."

We discuss duck politics for a few more minutes and then part our separate ways for the night.

So my evening ended. Nothing big happened, just normal, everyday things. I love having goats to talk with...


  1. did you get my email?

  2. No, sorry, I never got it... :-/ You might try again,

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Yes.... But I've been having a lot of trouble with my e-mail lately and many have been getting lost. I haven't the foggiest as to what to do about it. :( You might have to resort to that old fashioned invention called the telephone, until I can talk my e-mail account into better behavior.

  5. We've actually been trying to e-mail you guys for a couple weeks now, but every time we try, the e-mails get send back. Not sure what's up with that...

    Gotta' love modern day technology! [rolls eyes]

  6. Just tried sending you an e-mail through both of your accounts. Both got sent back to me. :-/

  7. Hmmmm.....problems problems. Phooey on Charles Babbage. Didn't he start the whole thing? If I had MY way I'd never use computers, they are. *Ahem* yes we were wondering why we hadn't heard from you folks so....I don't know what's wrong either. I deleted my other email accounts and got a new one so that is why the ones sent to me got sent back. As far as sending them to my parent's email...I don't know why that's not working...Yes I think it would be a good idea to resort to the telephone. I'll also tell my parents what's been going on. A little imp, no doubt, giggling inside our respective computers as he pulls wires out and in and runs across motherboards with wet feet....I get the sense you don't want emails to be shown on your blog which is understandable so I'll just try sending it to you again. All I was emailing about was telling you my new email address, so it was nothing important.

  8. ANOTHER e-mail address!? Do you change them when your mood changes? ;)I don't know if you've tried sending me anything yet, but I haven't gotten anything if you have!

    Maybe we should switch to homing pigeons...

  9. Well I sent one to ya yesterday so obviously you didn't get it. Weird, this technology. Yup, pigeons sound good. Either that or snail mail. At the rate we're going with email, you'll get the letter sooner. Have you (or your mom) tried emailing us(meaning my parent's email address?) If you have, we ain't got nothin yet so we'll probably have to switch to callling.
    Yes I changed my email address because my life changed. Someday you'll get the message if the email ever starts working....

    Now, go to bed! I see from your comment above that you wrote it at midnight and beyond. Hey, farmers don't stay up that late!!!! At least they're not supposed to.

  10. Actually, I think I wrote that comment at noon. PM is noon, AM would be midnight and beyond. ;) I don't think the goats would be happy with me if I went back to bed at 12 PM!

    I'll try sending a test e-mail to your parents address real quick. Mom has tried several times but it just keeps bouncing back. :-/ I never got your e-mail either. Grumble, grumble, mutter, mutter....

  11. sure you're not getting mine? It should come in with a different name, not my own....we did get your test email

  12. Nope, I ain't gettin' yours for some strange reason. I've been e-mailing regularly with someone else (I'm getting some goats from them) and I haven't lost one single e-mail from them; nor have any of mine gotten lost in transit. So I can't figure out why I'm getting some e-mails, and not others...


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