Saturday, July 16, 2011

Home At Last

See? I promised I would let y'all in on my secret on July 16th, and here I am!

 But before revealing my secret, a story must be told, and we have to go back 13 months ago....

 A friend of mine raises Nubian goats as well, and last year in June, we went to go buy  a 2 year old milker named Ivy. While there, I spotted the most beautiful little, eight week old, salt-and-pepper colored doeling. Her name was Pepper (you'll never guess how she got her name!), and she was for sale. Alas, I didn't have the money for her, so I reluctantly had to pass her up. But I wanted her so bad... There was a definite "click", between us, if you will. Or you could call it a bond, connection, or whatever; but it was there.

Time passed... 13 months to be exact... I had to take some kids over to my friend's house to have them dehorned last week, and after the deed was done, we went to visit her goats. I have to say, I really admire my friend's herd. She has somewhere around 20 Purebred Nubians, and they show the results of 12 years of patient work and breeding. We walked over to the pen that the yearlings were in. They were all munching on their hay, but upon seeing us, one yearling disentangled herself from the gangly mass of doelings and came running over to see us. She was a lovely girl, and looked strikingly similar to the doeling I had liked so much a year before.

 Then the pieces fell in place... She had all the same markings, she was a yearling, she had the same parents, she recognized me and came over, even when none of the other goats did...

It was Pepper.

It was that feeling you get when your pet has been missing, and you never thought you would see it again; and then BOOM! By a strange twist of fate, you find yourselves back together again.

 I didn't even entertain a second thought about it. I bought Pepper, and my friend brought her over today.

 This, is Pepper...

And she is home at last...


  1. Wow, isn't it amazing how the Lord provides?! She's so pretty. I'm really happy for you Caity!

  2. she looks like a sweet heart. I'm so glad you were able to get her. Of course, I'm jealous, too. ... wish I could find my old goats again, but that ain't likely. Anyway, I'm happy for ya.

  3. Wow, she is so beautiful!! :)

    Congratulations. ;)

  4. Pepper is gorgeous! You are a lucky girl! :)


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