Saturday, August 27, 2011

Barnheart: A name for the disease

Picture credit goes to Jenna Woginrich at Cold Antler Farm

I always wondered if there was a name for the disease from which I have suffered for so many years... And I found out today that there has been a diagnosis. It's called "Barnheart".

 Symptoms are a painful feeling within, that range from a slow, constant ache, to a fiery, unbearable stab. The pain is there... I feel it every moment, both day and night. I want my own farm with an intensity that sometimes frightens me. I can hear it... The dream calls, beckons, and lures me... The only way to relieve the pressure, is to follow the dream. Someday, I'll do it. I'll have my own farm.

 Until then, I must suffer through this malady called Barnheart, which you can read more about, HERE.

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