Wednesday, August 31, 2011

More on the draft horse thing

I meant to add this onto the previous post, but somehow forgot (talent). My excuse is that it's late, and I'm tired. So there. ;)

 To continue though!! Don't these pics look like something straight out of 'Lord of the Rings'? I am positively swooning over every bit of it. The cart, the gorgeous horse, the harness, everything! Now, if only there was a Hobbit in that cart.... ;) 

The pretty mare turns out to be a Shire/ Hackney cross (be still my beating heart!), and is FOR SALE. [gag, choke, sputter] Alas, methinks she's a wee bit beyond my price range right now. Phooey.

You can see her ad, HERE. (Although, maybe I shouldn't give you the link... I don't want any competition on this girl!) 

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