Tuesday, August 30, 2011


The countdown has officially begun...

 My goat workshop will be held this Saturday...

I feel a mix of terror and confidence as I prepare for the event...

 Terror at the thought of failing, or not doing a good enough job. Many of the people coming are driving from a fair distance, and some from out of state. Will I be able to give them the knowledge that they are paying to get? Will I be able to teach them thoroughly and properly? Will I be able to stretch each class to the full hour I've signed it to be? I quake in my boots thinking about possible failure...

But then, I take heart, knowing that I fully KNOW what I will be teaching, I have the lunch figured out, I was able to sign a friend up to help me if I need assistance, and it looks like the group coming is a pretty friendly bunch.

It's mostly at night that the fear comes... I'm exhausted as I lay in bed, and I think to myself, "I can't do Saturday... I can't do it..." So now, every night I have to mentally tell myself that though I'm tired now, I will feel better in the morning, and I WILL pull Saturday off! I'm still working on getting those last-minute things in order (and boy howdy do they pile up!) but I will nevertheless be glad when Saturday has come and gone.

Wish me luck! 


  1. You go girl! I think you'll do an amazing job. :)

  2. Being tired gets me thinking negative and fearful as well. Preparation is key and you are preparing. Yes, you have the knowledge (and you will find out Saturday just how much when the questions start coming). Do what you know you need to do and when Saturday comes, take a very big breath and just simply enjoy the day - goat lovers are great people right? :-) It will be a success, you will see! I shall wish you luck but I am sure you won't need it.


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