Wednesday, September 14, 2011

10 Days...

Until the annual Oregon Flock and Fiber Festival!! Whoohoo!

The OFFF is one of the biggest highlights of the year for me, and I always enjoy every moment of it... :) Last year, there was a total of 3,000+ people who came during the two day span of the event, and believe me, it was crowded. The sheep barn is my favorite place, and it's always so hard not to smuggle a sheep home, every year. From the towering Wensleydales, to the petite Shetlands, I love them all... I have to admit though, that the Jacob sheep are my all time favorite. ;) I like their spotted fleeces (which spin up beautifully!), and their four horns. Someday I'll have my own flock of them. 

A Jacob ram

If you would like more information on the OFFF, click HERE


  1. I've never been to a Fiber Festival, but if you go, will you please share some pictures?

  2. Hehe, oh don't worry about pictures.... I always post entirely too many pics when it comes to the fiber festival. LOL. :)


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