Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Enter, Caspian

Well, a few weeks ago, I was finally forced into the decision of culling our Delaware rooster, Eustace. I gave him chance after chance to change his behavior, but t'was all in vain. He became extremely aggressive; to the point where small children couldn't even be in the barn or pasture without him trying to attack them. My legs still show scars from when I wasn't paying enough attention to him, and more than once he drew blood on my goat kids. So he went bye-bye.

 But... I started missing having a rooster around. It just doesn't seem right to live in the country and NOT have a rooster! Plus, the hens hadn't been the same since their rooster (as dorky of a leader as he was) left. So when my city-dwelling friends mentioned that they had two roosters that they needed to get rid of ASAP, the lightbulb came on, and before you could say 'bob's-your-uncle', I had myself a lovely rooster all packed up in a dog crate and ready to be taken home. :) Hehe, I work fast.

So, we now have 'Caspian' the rooster. Supposedly he's a black sex-link rooster, but I thought the males were supposed to be a different color... Aren't the females black and the males something else, so you can tell which is which when they hatch? I can reel off facts on heritage chickens, but as you can see, my knowledge is somewhat lacking when it comes to modern breeds. LOL.

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