Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Harrumph... Spider Goats? What Next?

I recently started receiving the Dairy Goat Journal magazines, and have been enjoying them for the most part. But when I read in this month's magazine about a man who has begun implanting spider genes into goats, and creating a Genetically Altered creature, I wasn't so thrilled. :-/ It just doesn't seem right... To mix gene pools like that for whatever reason we want. A spider was created to be a spider. Likewise, a goat was created to be a goat. These scientists really have no clue as to what negative effects might surface from such a mutant, and so they're busy making more of them! Sure, sure, I read the article about how this man has these high goals of having easier access to spider silk now, through the dairy goats (that's why he altered them; to get spider silk from a goat), and how that's gonna' help people, etc. etc. But, my mind can't get past the concept of canonizing foreign genes into a completely different species of animals. Harrumph....

Anywho, you can read the article for yourself, HERE.


  1. Goat Song- might not be as diverse as Cold Antlers doings but you might want to consider joining us in the state south of you at the CVDGA education in Nov!

  2. Hmmm, I hadn't heard of what you mentioned... Do you have a link with more info on that? :)

    Oh, and welcome to my blog!

  3. Ask and yea shall receive, unless you are asking for 2nd cutting alfalfa from a first year field, ;-)



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