Saturday, September 3, 2011

I. Am. Tired.

Very tired...

 So, how did the goat workshop go? Ummmm, to be honest, I'm not sure! It all seemed like a blur. At the start of things, I was having a hard time cramming each class into an hour, but towards the end, I was having a hard time stretching each class! I think I did a pretty good job teaching today; but whether I did or not is up to the people who came. I certainly shared all my secrets and taught them everything I know (well, almost). Everyone left happy, and assured me that they felt they got their money's worth. Shucks, I even sold a good bit of goat milk soap, got reservations for next year's kid crop, and have a waiting list for the next classes (I wasn't sure I could do another, but everyone really wanted to). It was amazing to hear where everyone came from. The closest person was almost an hour away, and the farthest person came from north of Seattle, WA!! She drove almost 5 hours to come to my workshop that started at 9 AM!!

If I do another workshop, I will definitely make a few changes. One, the workshop will not start any earlier than 10 AM! I made a cup of tea for myself at 8:20 this morning, got to take one sip, and then people started arriving! So no tea... [sigh] Two, everyone will bring their own lunch. I kept lunch really simple (bread, meat, cheese, fruit, snacks, etc.), but it was still stressful, and my family ended up having to set lunch up and then clean up afterwards.

But, my goats have trimmed hooves now, they all got a dose of Probios today (everyone learned how to drench/medicate a goat), and boy howdy did Poppet and Shilling enjoy having free reign in the barn! Hehe... They thought climbing on the hay stack was the best thing ever. :) Lunch was pretty fun, as I got into a fun conversation with an older gentleman about agricultural politics (quickly becoming one of my favorite topics!), GM'd foods, collecting rain water from roofs, and keeping chickens.

Next time, I'll probably wear better shoes, too... I wore my rubber boots, and my feet and legs are absolutely killing me now... Standing for 6 hours in rubber boots is not the best plan of action.

I'm sure I'll wake up at 2AM tonight and realize that I forgot to mention something really important. But then, I'm so tired that I may be sleeping too hard to think about anything at all...

So would I do another workshop? Well, I don't know... I'll think about that when my feet aren't hurting so much...

TTFN, ta ta for now!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Caitie! Way to go. Sounds like you had a long day. :)

    It was fun catching up today! :D


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