Saturday, September 10, 2011

We are Barrel Racers

If there is one thing I despise in life, it's when people snort and say how easy barrel racing looks, when they've never done it. I know I  really shouldn't let something as tiny as that get under my skin, but I can't help it. I used to do a lot of barrel racing when I was younger, and I hope to pick it back up someday. But let me tell ya', barrel racing ain't easy! It's down right hard!

I still feel a surge of adrenaline every time I even think about doing a barrel pattern.... I can still feel the surge of immense power of a 1,500 lb horse beneath me, as we run 65 mph on loose dirt, trying to keep our balance as we maneuver around three small barrels.... The timer says we ran for only 15 seconds, but it seemed like eternity out there... Run towards the first barrel, rate the horse at 15 feet before turning, use your legs to guide the horse's body, hands to keep his head up or else he'll fall, pocket him in the barrel at 6 feet, use your eyes to look for the next axis, shift your weight to tell the horse where to go, keep your hands quiet, watch your feet on those barrels! Oh man.... I can still hear my riding instructor yelling directions as we ran...

Barrel racing is a dangerous sport, at the very least.Going at such high speeds on loose dirt increases your chance of being in an accident. I watched once, as some cowgirls lost control of their horse and fell. One girl was crushed beneath her horse... I was lucky, and the worst that happened to me was that my horse slipped, but was able to right herself in time.

 TheseYoutubes brought back some very vivid memories of my barrel racing past...

I do want to mention though, that the music to these videos are contemporary. So if that is not something you listen to, I would recommend turning your sound off, if you wish to view this. I tried my best to find a video that had decent music, but was unsuccessful.

Anywho, I just wanted to share these with y'all...

 This was my past... I was, a barrel racer...

And someday I'll be back in the saddle...

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