Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Coming In Spring 2012...

Oh corks this has been a staggering day...

I'll share the bigger bit of news later, but right now I would like to introduce Greenfire Farm to y'all... 

If you haven't seen their website yet, you should check it out! Greenfire Farms is a family run operation, focused on raising extremely rare poultry. So rare, in fact, that some were considered extinct before Greenfire found some specimens.  

And what does Greenfire have to do with me?

We are doing a barter! I will be advertising their farm here on the blog sidebar, as well as on my website (www.goatsong.weebly.com). In return, Greenfire Farms will be sending me some of their fantastic chicks in the spring!! Whoohoo!! :)


  1. What a good trade! Do you have any idea about what breeds you will be getting?

  2. Not entirely positive yet... :) They usually offer whatever surplus chicks they have (I would have gotten some sooner, but Jenna over at CAF just got their last batch of surplus Isbars). I am reeeeaaaallly hoping to get some Olandsk Dwarfs though! I think they are so cute! Or perhaps some Rhodebars... Or some Orpingtons... Or some Pumpkin Hulseys!! Or, or... Okay, so I will be happy with whatever they send, really. I am so excited!


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