Thursday, October 13, 2011

Goat Song Farm

Someday... I will have my own land. And it will be known as 'Goat Song Farm'...

There will be a sign up front with the name on it...

And there will be goats in a nearby pasture, of course...


  1. Goat pile!

    I think you are getting pretty close to your dream. I just hope you continue to share it with us!

  2. I hope you are doing well. I just got back from a four day vacation (first in a long time) to Eastern Oregon. I had a great time exploring Hell's Canyon, and I stayed with the Maders, who run a working draft horse farm in Halfway, OR. Their ad is in the Small Farmers Journal, which I currently get. Just thought I'd let you know that so you'll be nice and jealous. :) I'm also getting Heirloom Gardener magazine, I assume you know about that but it is really neat! I'm glad to hear about your possible internship at Polyface! That would be exciting....

  3. Autumn, as long as I have internet connection, I will continue to share the journey! :)

    Timothy, Good to hear from you! But you just HAD to rub your little vacation in, didn't you? You. Are. Mean. ;)And you get the SFJ, AND Heirloom Gardener!?!? Congratulations. Thou hast made me jealous. What all did you do at the Mader's? Did you get to work some horses on your own? Phooey, that sounds fun...

    But at least I can hold the Polyface internship over your head. Ha.

  4. I'm new to your blog, what kind of set up do you have currently? Great blog, I'm really enjoying it.

  5. Hi Niki,

    Hmm, could you elaborate on that question a little? Sorry, just want to make sure I'm understanding!

    I'm going to assume you mean our farm set up though... We live on 1 1/3 acre of land, in the Willamette Valley. We have a 35'x40' barn, which connects to 1/2 acre of pasture. I use a mix of woven wire fencing and electric to divide the pasture, so as to keep the goats on fresh, green grass almost the whole year around. Oh, and I'm the second oldest child in a family of 12 people (I'm 19). So this blog is sort of the meandering journey towards my own piece of land. :)


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