Sunday, October 2, 2011

October is Officially Here

And it came with a bang. This is a glimpse of Oregon's famed "liquid sunshine" that we got this afternoon to herald the changing month.


  1. It rained the first two days of October here in PA, too. I hope it clears up here and there so we all can enjoy the leaves and whatever is left of the sunshine!

  2. Hi! I noticed your comment on a Cold Antler Farm post because of your profile picture, and came over to look at your blog. Your goats are adorable! I live in Columbia County and have a small herd of Nubians as well. I'd like to get a new buck, but I'm finding it hard to locate purebred Nubians close by. If at any time you have a buck to sell, would you let me know? You can email me at kdcdavis78ATgmailDOTcom. Thank you, and I will enjoy following your blog!

  3. Welcome to my blog, Katy! I sent you an e-mail concerning goats. :)


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