Monday, November 14, 2011

Farewell to Ireland

Ireland coast. Original source of photo, unknown

Today is one of those delightful days... It's a gray, rainy day here in Oregon. But 'tis one of those gray days that seems to enhance the green surrounding our little farm. The wind spirals in from the west, bringing a salty tang that I dearly love. My hair is tousled by the wind as it speeds by, and the slight chill is just enough to make one glad they have a Carharrt.

My Irish blood is up today. I sang old Irish ballads while feeding the goats, and my feet couldn't resist some Irish/line dance steps while doing the dishes. Songs such as 'Toss the Feathers', 'Coppers and Brass', 'The Silver Spear', and 'Farewell to Ireland' have been playing on my MP3 all morning. For awhile I had forgotten why I keep that certain album around... It's all ulian pipes and violin, which gives it more of a falsetto key. And I'm more of a baritone fan. But today reminded me that I keep that annoyingly high pitched album around for days like this!! Green, enchanted days that grab you by the hands and swing you around in a reel that never stops! My heart and my voice sing old songs of my heritage on this day. My feet dance with joy to the repetitive, lilting lyrics.

Days like this make me wonder why my Great, Great Grandfather ever immigrated from Ireland in the first place. Was it a desire to see new lands? Was it hope for a better life? Was his career as a livestock hauler/raiser dwindling? I could certainly understand if it was a case of wanderlust. I seem to have inherited a good amount of that gene. But to leave beautiful Ireland...? I have never seen Ireland with my own eyes, but someday I want to. My Irish wanderlust genes demand it. 'Tis true that while I inherited my wanderlust from my Irish ancestors, I also inherited my temper from them. I lucked out on the red hair, but that Irish temper certainly stuck with me! [sigh]

Days like this make me wish I had a horse around.... I remember back when we boarded horses, my favorite thing to do was to go riding in the rain. It still is a favorite thing to do! Wait until It's raining good and hard, then put a halter on your trusty steed and swing up bareback. Your horse chooses the direction and pace, you just sit atop and enjoy the rain and the ride... You can't really do that with goats. ;)

Off I go now, to enjoy this lovely Oregon/Ireland weather. I have to say, that's one thing I do like about Oregon: The green, and the wet makes me think of my ancestral homeland.

Someday. Someday I will go back.

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