Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Mission Failed

Well, I tried.

 I really did.

 I took the test for my driver's permit today, and failed. Oy.

Those of you who know me personally are probably surprised that I even took it, I'm sure! For those of you who don't know me personally, I'll let you in on a little secret: Driving scares me. A lot. Which is why I still don't have my permit, at age 19. Whoops.

Shucks, I'll be 20 in eight more months; I'll bet you an acorn to an oak that I won't have my license by then!!

My test score was 71%. I needed 80% to pass. Better luck next time, I guess!

I did get other things accomplished today, though! I picked up some goat milk to make soap with (I start tomorrow!), I sent off some yarn all the way to Australia (That's a first for me!), I picked up some meds for Capri, Opened a bank account of my very own (I know, I know... I should have done that years ago!) and even got my own debit card. Ooh la la! ;) I meant to pick up a job application at our local health food store, but was too tuckered out. Maybe next week...

I am really excited for tomorrow night!! After a two year break, we are going to start going to dance meet again!! WHOO HOO!! We do what is called 'English Country dancing', and I have to admit that I am quite enamored with it... I love dancing... [happy sigh]

Alrighty, signing off now! I must needs go feed ma' goats...


  1. Oh rats :( Sorry you didn't pass. If it makes you feel any better, it took me two tries before I got my permit.

    Have a wonderful time at ECD!

  2. If it's any consolation - I barely passed both the driving test and written with an 82% on both. I didn't get my license until I was almost half way done with 20, and I still vastly dislike driving unless it's a country road. Traffic is scary.

  3. Sorry you didn't pass. If it's any consolation, I failed the first time I tried for my permit test, too. Are you for sure going to Virginia?

  4. LOL. I don't feel quite so cast down now. Seeing as I'm not the only one who has failed on the first try!

    Timothy: yes, I am going to VA for sure in January! Buying the plane ticket this week!

  5. you seriously got the internship position??!! That's great! Now I'm jealous....


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