Thursday, November 24, 2011

Today's The Day!

Happy Thanksgiving from Goat Song Farm!!!

Yeah, that's how good of a mood I'm in right now. You actually get to see a mug shot of your elusive author here at 'To Sing With Goats'! LOL. I'm camera shy, what can I say??

Pictures aside, today's the day!!! We smoked our turkey last night (oh dearie me... I do enjoy smoked meats...), and it will find its way to the oven in a few hours to finish cooking. Cornbread is on the verge of being made for our special cornbread stuffing/dressing (call it what you want), and I do believe there is a pumpkin pie awaiting forks in the fridge. This place will soon be hopping, as we clean, cook, and decorate before guests come (hehe, in this family, we procrastinate and everything gets done the day of). Delicious morsels of food will be set on the counter, just begging for some underhanded snitching, and who would I be to refuse such a tantalizing offer? LOL. I'll try not to take too much. 

The goats are outside now, munching on some broken up pumpkin that I gave them as a special, holiday treat, and the rabbits are contentedly chewing on hay. They declined the offer of Thanksgiving festivities. 

I hope y'all have a great day today! 'Tis a day to look back and really remember what we're thankful for. Our nation ain't perfect by a long shot, but we are blessed nevertheless. Let's celebrate.


  1. You have no reason to be camera shy! I like the picture by the way :)

    Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  2. Thanks again for hosting us! We had a blast. :)

  3. I pray your Thanksgiving went well!


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