Saturday, November 12, 2011

What Would "Mrs. Harmon Andrews" Say?

There's a small quote in L.M. Montgomery's book, 'Anne's House of Dreams', that I happen to like, and strangely enough, means a lot to me. It goes something like this:

"There are so many things in life we cannot do for fear of what Mrs. Harmon Andrews would say!"

I read that little line about a year ago, and I understood it. I have lived most of my life living in fear of what the world's "Mrs. Harmon Andrews" would say. You know who they there. Yes, you do. Those people in life who you tiptoe around. Who you are always worrying about what they will say about something you do. What on earth would they say if they found out that you were doing 'X'? Maybe it's a relative who can't for the life of them figure out why you would want to homestead and grow your own food. What on earth will they think when they hear that you just put in an outhouse! Gasp of horror!

Or maybe it's the overly-sweet neighbor. What on earth will she think when she hears your music playing and it's something she doesn't approve of?? [faints]

Or, what about the close friend who doesn't eat any sugar at all? What will they think if they find out that you just ate a Little Debbie's Swiss Roll!?!? [apoplectic fit]

So basically, it's a problem of letting others rule our lives. And I've struggled with that for years upon years. I used to be quite the doormat. People could trample me underfoot without even trying. Everything I did in life was with hesitation and fear. Would 'So-and-so' approve? What will 'So-and-so' think if they find out? Those thoughts hung over me like a cloud, always present and threatening. I was insecure. I needed a close friend. I wanted everyone to be my friend, but feared rejection.

Then, about a year ago, something in me snapped. 

And snapped hard.

I was sick and tired of being a doormat. I was weary of living in fear over what people thought of me, when in reality their opinions didn't matter two hoots in my life! I changed. Or maybe I didn't? Maybe I didn't "change", so to say, maybe I just started being myself....

I stopped worrying about what people thought, and you want to know something? It's been very freeing! It certainly took time and persistence to get all those "Mrs. Harmon Andrews'" out of my head, but I did it. And it feels like a weight off my shoulders. 

Want to hear some really shocking things about myself? I love dancing. Seriously. Okay, did that make you faint? That was something I always kept to myself. What on earth would folks say if they found out that I enjoyed dancing?? Here's another one: I really enjoy listening to Josh Groban. There's another shocker for ya'. If you've heard him/his style you can probably better understand why I put that as an example. Josh Groban is *gasp* contemporary!!! Quick somebody get this girl to a preacher!!! 
Third, and this one is one of my deep, dark secrets: I am a closet 'Lord of the Rings' fan.

And there go all of my readers, right? You all stampeded out the door as fast as you could, didn't you? ;) Yeah, I've seen LOTR. All of 'em. And I'm awaiting the arrival of the newest episode, 'The Hobbit'. Aragorn is probably my favorite character in those movies. But then, maybe it's only because Viggo Mortensen plays Aragorn, and he's my all-time favorite actor. :) I do like the hobbits too. 

I enjoy being single, I have a job of my own, I'm working towards a career as a full-time farmer, I'm not afraid of living by myself... I am a strange bird. And one who has kept all of this under blankets for fear of what YOU would say about it. Yes, YOU.  

My "Mrs. Harmon Andrews" are gone. Yes, I am still considerate towards people. If I know So-and-so doesn't like listening to Josh Groban, I certainly won't play it when they are around. If I know that you don't like movies like LOTR, I certainly won't broach such topics in your presence. That's common courtesy. But I'm done living in fear over what people will think of me. Let them think what they want. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names can never touch me. 

I am Me; what can I say? 

Now, how many readers did I lose to this post? ;)


  1. I think I knew all those things about you :) And hey, I still read your blog - and enjoy it!

    You go girl! Be everything you were meant to be.

  2. LOL! Now you're out of the closet. I bet the air is much fresher, isn't it? None of that was shocking to me, but I'm just getting to know you, so i don't count. Keep being yourself. Anything else is being an imposter, and we certainly don't want that! :-D Have a great day!

  3. Enjoy the freedom of being you! It sure is a lot easier than trying to be who everyone else thinks you should be. I know because I walked in the same shoes you did for a long time too. I'm me too! :D

  4. Thanks for the sweet comments, guys! I really appreciate comments! :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. That is Great! I am happy to read this post. Life will be less stressful now (at least in that respect).

    Sadly I am still walking on eggshells...


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