Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Your Opinions, Please?

I am eager to teach some more workshops! The goat one was a lot of fun, and I would sure like to do some more classes for folks. But, the cold weather is here now, and no one wants to stand around in a cold barn for the whole day. So I've been in a bit of a fix. I don't want to have to wait until spring to teach some more classes, but neither do I want to make people endure chilly days and frozen fingers!

Then I had a thought, two nights ago (I do all of my plotting and scheming at night. Hehe). What if, instead of hosting a live workshop, I did a "webinar"? I would create a private Youtube of the workshop, and run it as if you were actually there, and then when you pay for the webinar, I would send you the link to the videos. What think ye'?

 My thought right now would be to host a 'Beginning with Meat Rabbits' webinar. I've been raising rabbits for about 8 years now, so I've definitely got experience, tips, and tricks to share! I also have 15 rabbits of varying ages, and two that are pregnant and due in 26 days. Attendees would learn what to look for when choosing breeding stock, different rabbit breeds, housing needs, rabbit care, feeds and feeding, handling a rabbit, health problems and how to deal with them, herbal remedies, breeding, care of kits, raising a litter of kits, butchering rabbits, choosing stock to keep from your own litters, marketing rabbits, troubleshooting, and whatever else I can think of!

What's your opinion on something like this? How much would you say a webinar like this is worth?


  1. I've never "been" to a webinar, but for valuable information like that- but I would reasonably pay for a group of videos on raising rabbits for twenty dollars.

  2. Aye, $20 was about the price I had in mind...

  3. Great idea - I live too far away to come to your farm so this idea and the price sound really good. I think by doing a webinar you would have it recorded so could perhaps sell a DVD of this too to people like me that are trying to catch up on everything. . . a year + after the fact!


Psst! I LOVE comments!