Sunday, December 4, 2011


Soooo, I have a little confession to make. Remember that spandy little job I landed last month? (click highlighted words to read the post about that) 

Well, I quit it. And I quit the day before Thanksgiving. And I'm only just now telling you guys! :-/ Apologies there... I just haven't wanted to talk about it at all. 

I still don't really want to talk about it, but in a nutshell I left because of the level of gutter talk and harassment (just voiced opinions. Nothing physical) from the other employees. 

Now, I realize that swearing and inappropriate language is something that one can't really get away from in this life, but when you spend six hours each day listening to it, and you can't get away from it, it's a whole 'nother story. 

The other employees don't know why I left. They all assumed I couldn't handle the work load, and smirked that they were correct in guessing I would only last two weeks. They were right in saying I would only last two weeks, but it sure wasn't due to the work. It was hard work, yes. But it was doable. 

But, if nothing else, I at least learned a lot of tricks to working faster, and it was a good experience seeing how professional processors do their work. And after doing a little over 500 turkeys, I would like to state here that I love Broad Breasted White turkeys. If I ever start raising large amounts of turkeys in the future, I will use those birds. I might do a few Bourbon Reds, but that's a big "might". We had all sorts of turkey breeds come in to be processed during that time, and we all groaned when someone pulled up with dark feathered birds, or ones that were under the age of 4 months. They're a nightmare to pluck, let me tell ya'.... However, turkeys (even the young and dark colored) are a cinch in comparison to ducks and geese. Ai, yi, yi.  I despise doing waterfowl... Someday I want to try their meat to see if it's really worth all the work that goes into plucking them. Chickens. Chickens are good. I like doing chickens. ;)

So that's the end of that adventure. 

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