Sunday, December 25, 2011


I hope y'all are having a wonderful day today!!

 Alas, we decided to celebrate Christmas on the 26th this year, since my older brother and his fiance both have to work today. [sad face] But their work shifts end tomorrow morning (both work at a Rural/Metro fire dept.), so we will all get together then and have a grand celebration! So today feels more like Christmas Eve to me... Everyone at church was saying "Merry Christmas!" but it didn't feel like Christmas to me. That's tomorrow. So today feels like an average day. We had pizza for lunch; a quirky holiday tradition we started about five years ago. I don't even remember why we started that, but we don't have ham or turkey for Christmas, we have pizza and whatever goodies we made the day before. Oh and let's not forget the the cinnamon rolls for breakfast. Mmmm. Now, I'm all for healthy eating, and homemade foods, but at Christmas time, I chuck every single one of those rules out the window for the entire day. I will eat healthy for 364 days of the year. Grant me ONE day where I can eat junk food. So our cinnamon rolls are the store bought kind that come in a can. I can't even say half of the ingredients listed on there, and I know its history of its making. But boy do they taste good... ;) And the pizza is from Costo. Hehe. But by the time Christmas is over, I'm ready to go back to homemade foods and my veggies. I think a small bit of junk food is good for everyone. Makes you appreciate the good stuff all the more.

The goats are all outside enjoying their own Christmas. Freshly cut pine branches, molasses water, and some small toys I gave them which consist of a straw bale for their jumping/scrambling/rubbing enjoyment, and a big yellow ball. Poppet adores that ball (it stands taller than her!), and pushes it around the pen in glee. They are such content creatures... A straw bale and  a yellow ball... They are so delighted with these small tokens! An online friend of mine gave her goats a Christmas tree of their own, but she used peanut butter to "glue" candy canes and animal crackers onto the branches. Ingenious!!! Made me wish I had a tree I could give my goats! LOL.

I've been watching some 'Victorian Farm' episodes this afternoon. A nice way, really, to spend a quiet Sunday. These are absolutely delightful to watch!! I love them! I want to live the way they do so badly that it aches... But it is very enjoyable getting to watch these and learn from them. :) 

Again, I hope you have a very Merry Christmas!! You probably won't hear from me again until Tuesday! :)

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