Monday, January 30, 2012

Just In, From Polyface Farms

I just received this e-mail this morning....

Dear Caitlyn,

Thank you for making the investment to come for the two-day Polyface intern checkout.  It was
an extremely strong group and we are blessed to know so many passionate and goal-oriented
young people are out there.

As you know, we can't take everyone.  The fact that you did not make the final cut certainly does
not reflect negatively;  the field was very strong.  We appreciate your commitment to clean farming
and healing the land and trust that whatever your next step is, you will pursue this vision with
enthusiasm and integrity.

As you pursue your farming endeavors, be sure to check the Polyface Opportunities page for other intern or job opportunities.

We wish only God's richest blessings on you and trust you will find the best fit for your talents.

Best regards,
The Salatin Families

I've been crying ever since I first read this. I'm not going to Polyface, after all. My hopes and dreams have come crumbling down around me, in a dusty heap. I'll put on a straight face eventually, and continue on with life. But not today. Today is a day of mourning.


  1. Caity,
    I'm so sorry. This would be hard to hear... I know God has wonderful plans for your life; don't be discouraged. Praying for you dear.
    Mrs. Voorhees

  2. Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry you didn't get accepted. I know how much you wanted this wonderful learning opportunity. Know in your heart that God has other plans for you at this time in your life. Be patient and remain faithful.

    Hugs and much love to you!!
    Aunt M, Uncle Rob and Juliana

  3. :( I'm so sorry, Caity. But there's always a next time. Don't let this dampen your dreams or stop them from coming true! ((Hug)) God still has something great in store for your future. :)

  4. Dear Caitlyn,

    Even though you don't know me, I'm about crying with you. My son, Bryan, got that same email too. He's brought quite low, just like you. I'm going to pray for BOTH of you tonight, and for the many, many others who are also feeling this sadness. Jeremiah 29:11. There's no One better to cry with than your head on His shoulder and cry it out, He's there, and will show you your next steps when it is time.


  5. Oh Lori... I'm so sorry to hear that your son didn't make it either. :( It's a tough disappointment to bear, that's for sure.

  6. Sorry, I know you were excited. Guess God's got other plans.
    P.S. Should I e-mail them and say they made a mistake?


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