Monday, January 9, 2012

Playin' Hooky Today

Hey guys; just wanted to let y'all know that I'm playin' hooky today, so there won't be any earth shattering posts written on here until tomorrow or Wednesday. It seems I caught some strange bug, and all my body wants to do today is sleeeeeeeeep. I actually just woke up from a five hour nap, and thought I should give y'all a heads up here. Between shaky knees, lightheadedness, and a fuzzy feeling brain, I don't think I could come up with anything good to say today anyway. :-/

 Would anyone on here be interested in hearing more of tale I wrote yesterday? If y'all wanted to hear more of Heidi's story, I could keep on writing excerpts of it. :) Or I could just keep it all under blankets as a surprise... Hehe.

 Okay, I'm off to go sit down somewhere before I fall down.... Oy. I despise being sick...


  1. Being sick's no fun :( Hope you're feeling better real soon!

  2. Sorry you are sick... I vote more!

  3. Aw, praying for you. I hope this doesn't last long.


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