Monday, January 16, 2012


Well folks, this is it:

I leave in exactly 12 hours...

My bag is packed (and yes, it's under 40 lbs!), and I believe I have everything I'll need for the week...

Directions of care for the animals have been put in the hands of a sister, so they should all be nice and comfy while I'm gone...

Everything of mine in the house is tidied, I even cleaned my closet out this week!

My Baker Creek Heirloom Seed catalog is packed, and I am eagerly awaiting to read it on the plane tomorrow...

When I come home next Wednesday, there just might be a new Nubian doe waiting in the barn for me. Her name is Eleanor, and I've been waiting for her for a long time now...

Plans are made, dates are set...

I rise at 2:45 a.m. tomorrow to leave...

Next stop: POLYFACE FARMS!!!! 

I'll give y'all updates as often as I can!

(And yes, this post is really disjointed. I'm in no frame of mind today to make it sound nice and poetic. LOL.) 


  1. Wow! 2:45 a.m.??? Have a safe flight!!!! =)

  2. I am jealous...
    but I am happy for you too!

    have a great trip...*sighs and goes back outside in the damp cold rainy weather to pull weeds*

  3. What! That is soooooo awesome! That is on my bucket list. -Kelly (your new "friend" on the goat spot)


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