Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Want To Know Something?

At this time, on this day, in exactly one week, I will be pulling into the driveway of Polyface Farms.

The sun will be setting on the Salatin's home place; only a few streaks of finger paint will be lingering in the sky, as we drive up. Before dusk engulfs the entire place.

That's gonna' be torture. I'll have to wait until the next morning before I can really see the place!! 

I am beyond excited for this trip. Excited to work, excited to meet Joel and his family, excited to stay with my Aunt and Uncle in MD for the rest of the week, and just plain excited! 


  1. You aren't excited are you? :)
    You'll be out on my side of the country! You should come by for a visit!

  2. Wow, I will miss you while you are gone! :'( I hope you have a blast.


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