Thursday, February 23, 2012

27.5 Hours Later

It's finished.

My first, whole knitted farmyard set (minus the goat who was made in December) has finally been completed.

This set includes one bay horse (I've decided it's a Cleveland Bay), A Holstein cow, A Gloucestershire Old Spot pig, a Suffolk sheep, and two chickens (who were originally supposed to be Barred Rocks, but apparently you can't get "barred" yarn...). All the animals have been hand knit in 100% organic cotton yarn. Sooooo nice!

I must admit that I've taken a particular liking to the cow... She says her name is Molly, and she's quite amiable in temper. ;)

I have to show off the pig too! This is a different pattern from the first pig I made, and this new pig is now to scale with the rest of the animals! I think she is so cute! She fits perfectly in your hand (or in two hands of a child!), and she has a nice feel to her; compliments of the cotton yarn. :)

I do believe I shall name her, Charlotte.

And then there's the horse, of course....

He hasn't told me what his name is yet, but perhaps he'll tell his new owner...

Now, to finish the next set! 


  1. Will you be selling these??? I LOVE them!

  2. Yes, these will be for sale. :) This particular one is already sold, but I'm hoping to have another set in my Etsy shop soon.

  3. Wow, Caitie!! You are amazing... :)

  4. Those are so darn cute!!!I'm sure you will be able to sell many sets!

  5. That piggie is the cutest piggie I've ever seen!

  6. Soooooo cute!!! Bryan is a sheep guy...I have my eye on your suffolk, though he may choose a hair sheep, depending on where he chooses to live after his apprenticing days are done. He's feeling better in spirits since the Polyface let-down...and in 3 weeks he's off to New York...a place called Sap Bush Hollow for a 9 week internship and then he'll get his degree; afterward he's hoping to return to Sap Bush and do their summer internship...waiting to hear back from them! Thanks for sharing these little critters...they're adorable!


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