Friday, February 10, 2012

In The Book Crate This Month

Confession: I am not a fiction person. ;) I enjoy learning too much, I guess...


  1. Looks about like my library stack - right now it consists of "The Backyard Homestead" "Build your own greenhouse" and "The Omnivore's Dilemma." (I didn't have much time to browse this visit.) But, I am so jealous that your library has the Polyface Farm DVD! I want to see it so badly, I even checked the state-wide inter library loan database - no luck for me! Enjoy your reading.

  2. Our local library actually doesn't have the POlyface Farm DVD; I had to go to our local college and check it out of their campus library! LOL. But it was a very enjoyable film, even though it is a bit outdated, and the Salatin's have changed a lot of their techniques.

  3. I am interested in knowing how you like the book by Ekarius, Small~scale livestock farming.

  4. I LOVE it!! :D I plan on buying myself a copy soon. I could certainly write up a book review about it here on the blog in the next few days, if you like. :)

  5. I love science & historical fiction too much to give it up!! Although I am mostly reading nonfiction right now... does reading knitting pattern books back to front count? ;)

  6. So, Goat Song, how can we convince you to write out reviews of that pile of books?


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