Wednesday, February 1, 2012

It's Official

Life takes interesting twists and turns. Things that I want to happen, don't come to pass; and things I wasn't expecting, plop into my lap. While I have yet to have any of my articles published in a magazine, I've been receiving pretty good feedback, and opportunities from various places in regards to my work. Which is enough to keep me going, and still look forward to the day of being published. ;)

Back in November, I submitted and article to Mother Earth News to consider. I had my fingers crossed that maybe this would be my breakthrough. Maybe this would be my first article to be published!

It didn't quite happen. The editor at Mother Earth News loved the article, but said it was too short (I think it was like 430 words, and they wanted 500?), and they rarely accepted submissions from their readers. They liked my style though, so they offered a different proposition: They asked me to be a blogger for Mother Earth News!!! :) 

I was delighted with the offer, and accepted immediately. And as of today, I am now officially a blogger for them! Whoohoo! 

I'll be writing weekly posts over at the 'Caprine Community' (all things "goat"!) , and who knows? Maybe someday I'll work my way over to other blogs as well. This isn't a paid job, but I'm okay with that. The exposure alone is enough to satisfy me; I think this will be an excellent way to hone in on my writing skills (which still lack greatly!), and it'll be fun to write for such a wide pool of readers. :)

But don't worry, I'll still be typing away, here at 'To Sing With Goats'. I'm not going anywhere....


  1. Caity,
    That's amazing!! I'm so proud of you.
    See, God is so awesome!
    Mrs. Voorhees

  2. That's so cool! I'm so excited for you! You're a really good writer! :)

  3. Congratulations! I BET your excited..and I will have to follow you there also! Good Work!

  4. Sweet! Congratulations! I can't wait to see your posts.

  5. Ooh! How exciting!!! I am not surprised they picked you. :) You are such a great writer.

  6. You are amazing :P and inspiring! :)



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