Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Well folks, I finally registered for one of the upcoming conferences. 

If you remember, there were two to choose from and both were on the same day: A goat conference, in which you learn all things "goat". And a small farms conference, in which you learn the nuts and bolts of running a small farm.

So which did I choose?

In the end, I chose the farming conference. And I am pleased with the choice. Farming is my occupation; it only makes sense to further my education and better learn the "whys and wherefores" of it. I am really looking forward to going, and even better, I will be tagging along with my dear friend from over at Rural Legacy! (click link to go to her blog) We're going to head over to Corvallis on Friday and stay the night in a hotel before adventuring on the the conference. Two crazy farm gals in the same hotel room.... Hmmm, do you think we'll sleep at all?? LOL. It'll be fun. I'm excited. :) 

I'll be sure to let y'all know how it goes! And hey, if you're there too, just look for the girl wearing the teal colored Polyface Farm T-shirt that proudly says "Lunatic Farmer" on the front. That'll be me. ;) Hehe. 

Toodle pip and cheerio now!


  1. I don't think that we'll sleep at all. We'll be chatting up a storm every chance we get! :D

  2. Bwahahaha![attempt at evil laugh], let the storm come then! ;) We'll just sleep in on Sunday, right? LOL.

  3. C'ya there =)

    ~Kelly Peters


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