Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Words, Words, Words

I know... This "daily updated blog" has not exactly been updated daily since Friday.... 

I've been having a cross between a guilty break, a case writer's block, a burn-out, and wanting to say too many words at once.

Is that even possible? I suppose it must, somehow, seeing as I diagnosed myself with it!

Most of all though, it's been a case of too many written words. I'm normally not much of a talker (unless we're on a really good subject), so instead I write it all down here on this little blog. And therein lies my problem. I do enjoy talking about things sometimes, and I remember when I first came home from my Polyface visit, I wanted to tell someone about it! I just wanted to see a smile on someone else's face as I shared silly stories; a hug when they found out I didn't get the internship; nods of agreement as we conversed about farming topics. I just wanted to interact with a human! But instead what I got was, "Oh yeah, I read all about that on your blog." Or: "I know, I read it on your blog." And sometimes: "I read on your blog that you'v had quite the week!" And that's as far as things go. I came home from Virginia fairly bubbling with stories, and eagerly wanting to share them with someone who was of like mind, but I found that no one wanted to hear it... Everyone had already read about it...

 So as usual, I told my goats of my tales. All the stories I've written here, and the ones I haven't. Did you really think you had read all of my Polyface adventures? Oh no... There are still stories upon stories I left untold... I wanted to physically tell them to someone; but all I got was the goats.

 These past few days have gone unrecorded on purpose. I attended the Small Farms Conference, but when I came home, I found I wasn't ready to write about it. Shucks, I didn't even write my weekly Mother Earth News blog post! It took me awhile to find out why I was feeling "off", and it hit me last night that the underlying problem was simply that I was craving human companionship. I wanted to talk to someone. I didn't want to write, I wanted to talk. I may be an introverted hermit of a farm girl, but even introverted hermits get lonely sometimes. You can only have a one-sided conversation with goats for so long...

 So here I be today, trying to get myself out of this funk and back into my writing habit. Things have been happening over here. It's time to get back to telling my tales; but written, instead of spoken... 

1 comment:

  1. Yay, you're back! I've missed you.

    Wish we weren't on opposite coasts... I would sit and listen to your stories. :-)


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