Wednesday, March 21, 2012


This is what I'm talkin' about folks:

A 39 acre farm in Portland Oregon that is allowing beginning farmers to lease (they're working towards it being free) a small piece of their land for 1-3 years, so folks can springboard their agriculture businesses. That's awesome.

P.S. and if last night's post about the music took you by surprise, just know that I was having a bad moment and was feeling pretty low. Such words are what comes of spurts of depression and frustration. It happens.


  1. I love this idea....I would love to do the same kind of thing only more of a bring women who were struggling out to the farm for 3 months and let them heal by working with animals, learning to grow food and be self=sufficient. It is a dream of mine.......Also...I don't have any milking goats...just pets, but your post about the singing reminded me also that I haven't been out for a long time to just sit and sing Praise songs with them. I find it very peaceful to sit in the pasture and sing with my goats and thank God for His beautiful creation. Thank you for the reminder.

  2. Your welcome. :)

    Your dream is beautiful... I hope someday you may see it come to pass. :)


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