Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I Have A Dream...

       There is a dream that long have I harbored deep in my heart... Its quiet drumbeat forever reverberates within my soul, and it shapes the way I do and plan things. The first part of this dream is well known to y'all: I want my own land someday. That part is known, and my eyes are forever fixated on that goal.

But the second part?

    I want to share the land. No, I have no thoughts of starting a commune or anything like that, but I want to give others the chance to springboard their farm dreams, as I know only too well how it feels to be without land.

     Seriously though, as I've looked at land over the years, I find that I could be very comfortable on about 50 acres. The plots that I'm naturally interested in tend to be in the 100 acre range. I don't need quite that much. Maybe it's crazy of me, but if I heard of someone who was aching to start their own farming enterprise, and wished only for a few acres (maybe 5-10?), by Jove I would tell them to grab some electric fence and put it on my property! I have no interest in charging a lease/rent for the acreage; if there was an enthusiastic farming-minded person who's head was screwed on straight, I would be happy to let them try their hand at the occupation. I know the joy that comes when you suddenly find that you have free land to work on, and I someday hope to share that feeling as I watch budding farmers try their wings out. Even if they're growing the same thing as I am, even if they may one day be my competition, I would still share my land.

    The world needs more farmers. It needs more people who are more concerned with healing the land, than turning a profit. It needs more people who will study nature's template and shape their agricultural businesses around it. It needs more people who are committed to serving their community. It needs more honest, passionate, and determined souls. It needs people who will simply start. Even if they don't have all the answers. 

 It needs people who will do the work, and it needs people who will help others to fly... 


  1. I sincerely hope that you are able to make your dreams come true! It's been a pleasure reading your blog with all it's ups and downs. I myself am just starting out on my path to being a farmer through WWOOFing. Someday I hope to be able to take in other enthusiastic young farmers just as some very amazing people have taken me in and started showing me the ropes. :)

  2. Glad you've been enjoying this crazy story of mine! ;) That is awesome that you are able to be a WWOOF'er! I have an account with that organization, and I've often toyed with the thought of find a local place to WWOOF, but I guess I'm too busy over here right now to seriously flirt with the idea. LOL.

  3. Have you heard about this magazine?


    The first issue just came out--it's published by a group of people on the East Coast, who are all interested in natural living/homesteading/etc. Your post about sharing land and building community made me think of their philosophy, and I thought you might enjoy reading or contributing to it.

  4. Nice Blog ! Thank you for your very nice articles. I look forward to visiting your site in the future! I like this very much.
    Methods of Modern Farming

  5. My long term goal is to raise dairy goats to make cheese so both your blog and WWOOFing have been a wealth of great information. I really appreciate that you are open and honest about the things that don't always go the way you expect or hoped. When I first started heading out on the farms I wasn't sure if this city girl was going to make the grade, but everyone I've been blessed enough to meet has been just wonderful. I'm rapidly learning though that it's not just about the physical strength but the mental strength as well that makes a good farmer. I look forward to continue reading your blog. You've been such a wonderful source of inspiration! :)

  6. Get out there and meet your local farmers, get to know them, let them know what your interests are...you never know what might come of it!!! You just might run into someone who may be able to help you in some fashion. =)

    Keep on dreaming and soon you'll grow into it!!!

  7. What an amazing dream! I think you are well on your way to getting there!


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