Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Kits

The kits are officially in the "cute" stage. I found all four babies in Rosie Cotton's litter scampering around the cage this morning. Alas, I didn't have the camera on hand for that...

(and by the way, Doe #1 is the annoying blur that keeps getting in the camera lens. She didn't believe me that cameras weren't edible.)

And this second video is of the Tupperware rabbit that I brought inside to warm it up. I had completely forgotten that I had gotten this footage until just now. But you can see just how sluggish the poor thing was, compared to his livelier siblings in the above video. Poor fella'.


  1. Did the poor little guy come out ok? Wasn't moving much...

  2. No, unfortunately he didn't make it through the night. :(


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