Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A Predictable Pattern

I am a predictable person. I'm sure I am many things, but predictability is probably higher on my list than other possibilities... 

I am a creature of habit, and one that sticks to what works, even if it sometimes hurts.

My predictability became apparent this week as I sold Pepper, my beloved little lady... :(

I was running out of money and hay. Both at the same time, which doesn't work out so well. There was $27 in my bank account, and another $10 made up entirely of quarters in my jar here at the house. I had $37, and I needed $150.

I stayed just below the level of panic. This is basically my life, since I have no job. There are times of feasting, and times of famine throughout the year. It is predictable. I've gone through this countless of times, and always manage to somehow stay on top. 

 But it didn't happen this time. As I watched the bales of hay slowly begin to dwindle, my anxiety grew. I posted my antique spinning wheel for sale, my Californian rabbit, knitted animals, soap, spinning/knitting lessons, a rabbit cage... I tried selling whatever I could! Nothing sold. Not when I needed it, at least.

I was faced with two choices: I had to either cancel my reservation for Rose Of Summer, or I had to sell one of my own goats. I didn't like either of my choices. I hemmed and hawed, and stalled. Surely something would come up! Something always did; maybe some fairy godmother would stuff a check for $200 in the mailbox for me? I waited for that too, but it didn't happen. 

It came down to the line... It was either Summer, or one of my goats. With a heavy heart, I studied my options and chose dear, sweet Pepper as my sacrificial lamb...

It just about broke my heart as I put her up on Craigslist... Those of you who have been reading here for some time may remember Pepper's story, and how she came here (if you're new, click the highlighted words to read it). Oh I had so badly wanted her from the moment I saw her as an 8 week old kid. Such potential she had! 

But if I had to sell Pepper, I wasn't going to let her go easily. I lowered her sale price and said that I wanted to breed her to my choice buck this fall, and get a free daughter from her next spring. Those were my terms.

She sold before the day was over. And I have to say, that if she has to go, she really couldn't have gone to a better place. The lady who bought her is very serious about her breeding plans and her bloodlines closely mirror my own with Kastdemurs, Lakeshore, Elk Brook, and Royal Cedars. She was perfectly fine with my conditions, and we struck a deal that Pepper would be bred to her own buck (love his pedigree!).

Pepper will be officially leaving on Sunday the 1st. I'm making sure to enjoy these days that she's still here.

I am a predictable person. This is a predictable pattern. Some may frown upon such a  cyclical happening, but there's not much I can do about it. I suppose if someone has a problem with it, they can certainly put a check for $200 in my mailbox next time I need a ton of hay! Since my fairy godmother didn't do it,  I suspect I had better find a replacement.... ;) 

I am going to miss Pepper, but I'm glad that she's going where she's going.

And I have hay coming to my barn soon.

Life is a funny thing...


  1. Hi Caityn,

    I'm so sorry about Pepper, but PTL that the buyer is someone you feel good about. fyi, I know the $3 wouldn't have helped you to avoid your situation, but I DID buy a bar of your soap back on March 17th. I was going to contact you and ask if perhaps you missed my order, I payed it w/PayPal and haven't heard anything from you about it. It billed to "kelly menne" with the email addy adoregone at embarqmail...the soap I ordered is coconut goats milk. Let me know if you got the order, cuz I got the payment receipt from PayPal for it. Thanks!

  2. Hi Lori,

    Yes, I did get that order, and have meant to e-mail you to let you know about it! We tried shipping it off yesterday, but the post office told us we needed a better package. Soooo it will get shipped very, very soon! I tucked a second, free bar of soap in there for you as an apology for the delay. :-/

  3. Awww, you didn't have to do that! I just wanted to make sure you saw my order. But thank you!


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