Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Rose of Summer

 I've had the task of naming my new little doeling, and I surprised myself by choosing one fairly quickly!

The breeder mentioned choosing a flower-themed name, since all the does in her line have been named by that theme. I was okay with that, but I personally would have liked to go with a musical themed name, since all of this year's kids will have that theme (to go with my herd name of "Goat Song").

So I pondered a name, and tried to figure out how to intertwine the two themes, yet still have a good name for the show ring.

The answer hit me like a bolt of lightning last night, as I listened to my MP3. It was perfect! Both the breeder and I are delighted, and she's being registered this week!

My name decision?

'Last Rose of Summer'.

It's a flower themed name, but it's also the title of one of my favorite Celtic songs. :) What could be more perfect?!

So my little Rose of Summer has been named, and she'll be in my arms in two weeks... Eeeek!


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