Friday, March 9, 2012

So Close, Yet So Far

Well folks, I almost got my very own buck today.

While perusing Craigslist this morning, I stumbled (that's how I find ads; I stumble on them. LOL) on an ad for a lovely Nigerian Dwarf buck. I recognized his bloodlines, and knew he was a top quality boy. His coat was a pretty silver/blue, and he had the look of a prize fighter in a 21 inch body. He was a hunk. The breeders had originally posted him at $200, but today they were taking all offers. They needed him gone by Saturday, due to a barn renovation, and the poor guy was losing his bachelor's pad. I had absolutely no money to offer the breeders, but I had an idea. I contacted them and proposed a barter: I would get the buck for free, and in trade they would get the first doeling out of Poppet. The breeders checked Poppet's pedigree out, and thought the plan was a good one. There was just one hitch: someone was coming out that evening to look at him, and possibly buy him. If the prospective buyers didn't want him, then he would be mine. I had my fingers crossed the whole day as I waited for news. I figured this would work to have my own buck. He would eat far less than Bob does (that guy has four hollow legs), I could put him up for stud to CAE negative does, and I would be able to get Poppet bred. And hey, I could always breed him with the Nubians and get mini-goats (which seem to be all the rage right now...). I liked this plan.

Evening came, and with it came word from the breeders.

The prospective buyers bought him. :( Phooey. There goes my buck.

Back to the ol' drawing board...

Poor Poppet. ;)

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