Friday, March 16, 2012


I think my title pretty much says it all! I have soap for sale over in my Etsy shop! (click highlighted words to go directly to the listing)

I only have 10 bars from this batch, so don't wait too long if you would like to purchase a bar or five. ;) 

These bars are a lovely blend of pure coconut oil, and goat's milk, plus they're lightly scented with coconut fragrance. In other words, you may be tempted to try eating one. LOL. 

Coconut and goat's milk combined make a powerhouse of a moisturizer that deep cleanses while being gentle enough for baby skin. This soap is especially good for skin problems such as acne, eczema, and dry/chapped skin.

If I can get these bars sold in the next few days, that will allow me to buy a bag of milk replacer for my soon-to-be-here doeling, 'Last Rose of Summer', so shop ma' dears, shop! ;) 

Again, you can go directly to the shop listing by clicking HERE.

1 comment:

  1. :D Yummy! I am very tempted to eat one!! LOL. Very pretty.


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