Tuesday, April 10, 2012

And The Heavens Opened

The morning burst clear and sunny. I grinned as I looked out the window, knowing full well that today I could plant some seeds in the garden...

 Morning chores were done, Bob's hooves were trimmed (an adventure in itself!), the garden beds were raked to a fine tilth (I meant to get a picture of my little garden for y'all... Honest!) and seeds were brought out with anticipation! How I've missed getting dirty in the garden!

 I looked through my fat collection of heirloom seeds and picked out my best cold hardy varieties. Kale, cabbage, spinach, broccoli, radishes, beets, peas, some flowers, daikon, brussels sprouts... I do like my veggies. ;)

 When I finished, I stood back and surveyed the morning's work. The garden looks so tidy with its ten beds of compost, and no weeds yet. Each one was brimming with possibilities and things to come. In a few weeks there will be green sprouts poking their fragile heads out into the cold world. Sprouts! Little green forms of life! Makes a body whoop for joy at the very thought, after a long, dismal winter. Oregon is always green. Even in the dead of winter, it's green here (ever heard the song "Christmas In The Northwest"??). But spring green is altogether a different kind, and puts a smile on even the most wizened. Bob the goat sauntered over to see my handiwork but he didn't seem too impressed. No doubt he will be in a few weeks when he finds that the spinach is in his reach...

 I cleaned up and went inside; taking scant notice of the gray clouds looming in the distance... I sat down inside with some handiwork that needed finishing and my trusty MP3 (I will mourn if that little thing ever dies), and commenced to utter oblivion as my hands did one thing while my ears listened to varying artists.

  My reverie was broken when a sister came up to me looking like a drowned rat. Ummmm, what happened to you? She pointed out the window, and as I took my headphones out I realized that I could hear rain pummeling the roof. Holy kohlrabi! It's pouring out there!

 T'was indeed a spring shower. It was one of those delightful rains that is coming down so hard that you're drenched on contact. It comes down so hard that it stings your skin, fills your eyes as it rolls down your face, and you have to yell to be heard. One of THOSE rain showers... The low spots on our property were flooded in minutes and we had more standing water than we've had all winter! As if the heavens opened and poured its entire reservoir, so we got rain.

 I went out to the garden during that tempest and looked at my garden beds...

And was silently grateful that I got them all planted this morning...

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