Monday, April 9, 2012


I am tickled pink right now!

Back In March, the coordinator for OSU Small Farms contacted me and asked if he could use my blog post that I had written about the Small Farms Conference in the upcoming spring newsletter that he was finishing up. Of course, I was absolutely delighted!! He and I e-mailed back and forth, talking of various matter that revolved around my post, and he graciously kept me updated on the newsletter's progress.

 Today I checked my e-mail and found two new things waiting for me: One e-mail was THE newsletter, and the other one was an e-mail from a close friend with the message saying: "Did you see this?! [newsletter link attached], Go to page 6!"

I laughed out loud, and then perused the newsletter. And there it was... My humble little post which I never dreamed would be published in such a manner. The coordinator for the online research magazine, 'Oregon's Ag Progress' also asked to publish my blog post in their upcoming spring issue, which really makes this farm girl smile! :) 

You can read the newsletter by clicking HERE!


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