Thursday, April 19, 2012

Colds And New Babies

The title seems pretty self-explanatory, so I suppose I could just leave this post like this and go do something else...

Or not. ;)

It seems that I caught a cold, and an impressive one to boot! So my day has been spent sitting down, watching Lord Of The Rings (attempting to watch the entire extended version of the third episode in one day), and eating crackers. Blugh. Why is it that when you have a cold, your entire body aches? Or maybe that's just me... But I feel like I've been bucking 3-stringed hay bales all day when really I've been sitting on my duff. [sigh] I had all these grand plans about what I was going to accomplish today, but none of it happened. I watched ma' movie, ate food, and read my book 'OXEN, A Teamster's Guide'. It didn't help matters that it rained all day...

 But when I went outside to do evening chores I found that things are happening in the garden! I have little radish, lettuce sugar snap pea, and spinach sprouts! Whoohoo! They look so cute... Little green gems nestled against a dark black background. 

 Another surprise awaited me in the rabbitry as I found that Doe #2 kindled this afternoon! Hurrah! There are now four chubby, little pink babies squirming around in the nest box. Cocooned in white downy fur from their mama. These little babies are purebred Californians too, so I'm looking forward to watching them growing and keeping any and all of the females. :)

 All the animals are doing well. Peaches has gained another 10 lbs. and is rapidly approaching 200 lbs. in weight. Bob is leaving on May 5th, for which I am MOST impatient for. I have 130 Cornish Cross chicks arriving on April 27th, which marks the beginning of broiler season, and the turkey poults will be coming in mid-May. Exciting stuff. 

Okey dokey, I must be off now... I still have two or three more hours to go before I finish my movie! Who knew it could be so long???


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. :( I hope you're feeling better today! Sitting down and watching the LOTRs sounds good right now! I've been doing chores all morning and noon and I'm exhausted. :P

    Aw! More bunnies!! :D Ooh, i want to see them!

    ~Krista MV

  3. Feeling a little better today! I am at least on my feet... ;) That was my first time to watch the extended version of Return Of The King, and I think they did a really good job with the extra scenes. I still fast-forwarded through a lot of the gore though... LOL.

    I'll try and get some pics/videos of the new bunnies when there's a bit more sunshine!

  4. Make sure and push fluids and watch the deleted scenes! LOL....


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