Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Day Early

The broilers are here!!!

The hatchery told me that they would land in Oregon on April 27th, but the post office didn't agree with that as they called us at 6AM to inform us of the arrival of 262 Cornish Cross chicks!

Thankfully, I had gotten everything ready yesterday, so the brooder was warm, feeders were filled, and the pine shavings lay thick. I was ready for chicks.

Out of the 262, only 126 were for me. I had split an order with two other families, so as to save on shipping costs. And oh the noise... After two hours of listening to incessant peeping, your ears starting ringing.

But chick-arrival day is always special to me. It's a once-a-year happening in which one ring of the phone can make me go from sleeping heavier than the dead, to wide awake and rushing to get dressed. It amazes me how the brain works... How is it that I can sleep through a smoke alarm that's fifteen feet away (*blush*), but one ring from the phone will make me jump out of bed before my eyes are fully open?? One if life's great mysteries... 

But anywho, here are the chicks themselves. All happy, healthy, and perky. :)










  1. Oh cute, I don't eat mine since I only have 4, but they're cute!

  2. Can't bear to look at the little dinners on the hoof.

  3. Mary Ann, It's always a hard thought for me too, at first. But by the time they hit 8 weeks they are ugly, stinky, and dim witted creatures. It's much easier to look at dinner on the hoof by that point, believe me!


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