Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Is Michigan Losing its Marbles?

And so it begins...

Back in March, the Michigan government declared that in the beginning of April 2012, all the state's pigs and hogs that weren't white in color would be mass murdered, as they put down a new "Invasive Species Order". If a farmer/owner of the pigs did not kill his animals he faced a fine of four years in prison.  The government's logic is that these domestic hogs look feral, therefore they must be feral; and feral hogs were destroying farmer's crops. So they had the grand plot to just out and out kill ALL the state's hogs! Hoo boy...

April came, and as planned, the small farms are beginning to be raided. The farmers are being forced to shoot their own livestock, from pregnant sows to newborn piglets. 

Folks, if we can't make the decision about what breed of livestock to raise, what else will be taken from us?

You can read more about this disturbing piece of news by clicking HERE.


  1. Why didn't I think of that? That is a brilliant idea. One is as bad as the other.

  2. Oh my word, talk about encroachment... Why can't government just leave people alone? :P

    ~Krista MV


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